Resulting from our grants

Books, PhD thesis and articles published as a result of the Leonid Nevzlin Center's  supporting grants. 
Шыбека, З. . Гісторыя Рознічнага Гандлю Ў Беларусі. Том Першы (History Of Retail Trade In Belarus. Volume One); Vesna: Prague, 2023; p. 416.

Юры Бохан, Сяргей Сергачоў, Іна Соркіна, Вячаслаў Швед, Захар Шыбека

Пад навуковай рэдакцыяй прафэсара Захара Шыбекі
Каардынатар навуковага праекту Рацібор Бягун

Аўтары раздзелаў манаграфіі даследуюць рознічны гандаль у Беларусі паводле адзінай структурнай мадэлі. Яна складаецца з пяці асноўных кірункаў.

1) Аналіз гістарыяграфіі і крыніц.

2) Агляд спажывецкага рынку, на якім фармаваўся і развіваўся гандаль.

3) Умовы, якія традыцыйна існавалі або былі створаны намаганнямі ўладаў для ажыццяўлення рознічнага гандлю. 4) Сам рознічны гандаль з асобым акцэнтам на дзейнасць і майстэрства гандляроў.

5) І нарэшце, на сцэну выводзіцца таксама важны актар рознічнага гандлю — спажывец з яго ўзаемаадносінамі з гандлярамі і роляй на спажывецкім рынку.

Першы том ахапляе пэрыяд ад сярэдзіны ХІІІ стагодзьдзя да 1861 году.


The authors of the chapters of the monograph study retail trade
in Belarus according to a common structural model. It consists of five main directions:
1) Analysis of historiography and sources.
2) Overview of the consumer market, on which trade
was formed and developed.
3) Conditions that traditionally existed or were created
by the efforts of the authorities to implement retail trade.
4) The retail trade itself with a special emphasis on the activity
and skills of traders.
5) And finally, an important actor of retail trade is also brought
to the stage - the consumer with his relationship with traders
and his role in the consumer market.



The Russian Army and the Jewish Population, 1914–1917: Libel, Persecution, Reaction (Palgrave Critical Studies of Antisemitism and Racism)
Goldin, S. . The Russian Army And The Jewish Population, 1914&Ndash;1917: Libel, Persecution, Reaction (Palgrave Critical Studies Of Antisemitism And Racism); Palgrave Macmillan, 2022; p. 451.

This book represents a new reading of a key moment in the history of East European Jewry, namely the period preceding the collapse of the Russian Empire. Offering a novel analysis of relations between the Russian army and Jews during the First World War, it points to the army and military authorities as the 'gravediggers' of the Jews’ fragile co-existence with the tsarist regime. It focuses on various aspects of the Russian army’s brutal treatment of Jews living in or near the Eastern Front, where three quarters of European Jewry were living when the war began. At the same time, it shows the enormous harm this anti-Jewish campaign wreaked on the Russian empire’s economy, finances, public security, and international status.


Semion Goldin is Senior Research Fellow at the Leonid Nevzlin Research Center for Russian and East European Jewry, Israel.

Philosopher's Prose. Compiled and annotated by Nelli Portnova. Аарон Штейнберг. Проза философа. Составитель, автор вступительной статьи и комментариев: Нелли
Steinberg, A. . Philosopher'S Prose. Compiled And Annotated By Nelli Portnova. Аарон Штейнберг. Проза Философа. Составитель, Автор Вступительной Статьи И Комментариев: Нелли; ImWarden-Verlag: Munich, 2014; p. 303.

Философ и общественный деятель Аарон Захарович Штейнберг (1891—1975) известен своими воспоминаниями о культурной жизни русской интеллигенции послереволюционных лет («Литературный архипелаг»). Но одаренный художественным талантом столь же ярко, как и аналитическими способностями, Штейнберг рвался сочинять прозу и пьесы всю жизнь, считая, однако, писательство несовместимым со статусом философа-мыслителя. Ситуация изменилась в 60-е гг., когда настала пора подводить итоги. В настоящий сборник вошли сохранившиеся в личном архиве Штейнберга произведения разных лет, написанные по-русски, по-английски, на иврите и на идише. Литературные опыты А. Штейнберга: все его очерки-портреты о современниках, остающихся верными себе, воспоминания о прошлом, совершающемся как бы сейчас, выпавшие из дневников и ставшие рассказами фрагменты, — составляют не только органическую часть его философского наследия, но и выглядят оригинальным явлением в контексте европейского и русского экзистенциализма ХХ века.


The Torah Ark in Renaissance Poland: A Jewish Revival of Classical Antiquity
Rodov, I. . The Torah Ark In Renaissance Poland: A Jewish Revival Of Classical Antiquity; Brill: Leiden and Boston, 2013.
The volume explores the stone carved shrines for the scrolls of the Mosaic Law from the mid-sixteenth to the mid-seventeenth century synagogues in the former Polish Kingdom. Created on the margin of mainstream art and at a crossroad of diverse cultures, artistic traditions, aesthetic attitudes and languages, these indoor architectural structures have hitherto not been the subject of a monographic study. Revisiting and integrating multiple sources, the author re-evaluates the relationship of the Jewish culture in Renaissance Poland with the medieval Jewish heritage, sepulchral art of the Polish court and nobles, and earlier adaptations of the Christian revival of classical antiquity by Italian Jews. The book uncovers the evolution of artistic patronage, aesthetics, expressions of identities, and emerging visions among a religious minority on the cusp of the modern age.
Tolstoy, Zionism and the Hebrew Culture
Tsirkin-Sadan, R. . Tolstoy, Zionism And The Hebrew Culture. Tolstoy Studies Journal 2012, XXIV .
Rafi Tsirkin-Sadan has received his PhD from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 2010. His research interests include Hebrew literature, Russian literature and intellectual history, literature and migration, literature and history. Rafi is the author of two books Y.H. Brenner and Russian Literature (Bialik Institute), and Nihilism in Russian Literature (Van Leer/Hakibutz Hameuhad), both of which will be published in 2013
Barricades and Banners:The Revolution of 1905 and the Transformation of Warsaw Jewry.
Ury, S. . Barricades And Banners:the Revolution Of 1905 And The Transformation Of Warsaw Jewry.; Stanford University Press, 2012.
This book examines the intersection of urban society and modern politics among Jews in turn of the century Warsaw, Europe's largest Jewish center at the time. By focusing on the tumultuous events surrounding the Revolution of 1905, Barricades and Banners argues that the metropolitanization of Jewish life led to a need for new forms of community and belonging, and that the ensuing search for collective and individual order gave birth to the new institutions, organizations, and practices that would define modern Jewish society and politics for the remainder of the twentieth century.