Fifth Session: L'viv (2011)


The fifth sessiotour of Lvivn of the International Forum of Young Scholars on East European Jewry took place on 27-30 June 2011 in L'viv, Ukraine. This session was organized by the Leonid Nevzlin Research Center for Russian and East European Jewry in cooperation with the Simon Dubnow Institute for Jewish History and Culture at Leipzig University, the Department of History and the Elie Wiesel Center for Judaic Studies, Boston University, the Ukrainian Catholic University, and the Institute for Historical Research, L'viv National University. The session was hosted by the Ukrainian Catholic University.

The program of the L'viv session of the Forum included research presentations, professional development workshops and research trips to former sites of Jewish communities in Galicia. Eighteen participants from ten countries took part in this session. As in our previous sessions, they ranged from advanced graduate students to post-doctoral scholars engaged in high-level research on Russian and East European Jewry.

Senior scholars and staff who took part in this session were:

  1. Israel Bartal, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
  2. Oleg  Budnitsky, University High School of Economics, Moscow
  3. Jonathan Dekel-Chen, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
  4. David Engel, New York University
  5. Semion Goldin, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
  6. Yaroslav Hrytsak, Ukrainian Catholic University and Lviv National University
  7. Simon Rabinovitch, Boston University


List of participants of 2011 Fourm in Lviv:

  1. Natalie Belsky (University of Chicago): Encounters in the East: Jewish Evacuees and Deportees in the Soviet Union during the Second World War
  2. Maja Brand, z”l (Jagiellonian University): Jewish Opposition to Restrictions on Ritual Slaughter in Poland, 1935 – 1939:  a Transnational Struggle for Recognition?
  3. Svetlana Frunchak (University of Toronto): The Making of Soviet Chernivtsi: the Fate of Jewish Czernowitz in Postwar Ukraine
  4. Victoria Gerasimova (Russian State University for Humanities): Converted Jews in Russia from the mid-17th until the mid-18th Century
  5. Sofia Grachova (Harvard University): The Politics of Jewish Health: Medicine and Russian Jews, 1881-1930
  6. Christhardt  Henschel (Dubnow Institute for Jewish History and Culture): From Collective Site of Memory into National Institution: Jews, Poles and the Polish Armed Forces, 1918-1939
  7. Tomasz Jankowski (University of Wroclaw and Visiting Research Fellow at The Hebrew University): The Jewish Population in Piotrków Trybunalski, 1808-1870
  8. Artem Kharchenko (Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute): Merchants Families in Kharkov Province (1775-1917)
  9. Daniel Mahla (Columbia University): Nationalizing Religion: Religious Zionism in Germany, Poland and Palestine, 1902-1948
  10. Jolanta Mickutė (Indiana University): Modern, Jewish and Female: Politics of Culture, Ethnicity and Sexuality in Poland and Lithuania, 1918‑1939
  11. Alexandru Muraru (Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi): Romanian  Retreat from Bessarabia and North Bukovina in 1940: Institutional Implications, Anti-Jewish Terror and Massacres
  12. Agnieszka Oleszak (University College London): Jewish Orthodoxy between East and West: Sarah Schenirer and the History of Bais Yaakov in Poland (1917-1939)
  13. Yuri Radchenko (Kharkiv National Karazin University): The Nazi Genocide of Ukrainian Jews in the Front Zone (1941-1943)
  14. Alex Valdman (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev): Jewish-Russian Intelligentsia in Late Imperial Russia
  15. Polly Zavadivker (University of California at Santa Cruz): Soviet History, Jewish Fate: The War Writings of S. An-sky, Isaac Babel, and Vasily Grossman, 1914-1948
  16. Oleg Zhidkov (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev): History of the Jews in Left Bank Ukraine, 1649-1772

Program in PDF