Centenary of the Russian Revolutions

During 2017, the Nevzlin Center teamed up with partner institutions in the United States and Europe for a multi-city series of scholarly and public events dedicated to marking and exploring the Centenary Anniversary  of the Russian Revolutions. Our aim was to shed light on the intersections between history, culture and politics and their effects on Jews and other ethnic groups in Russia and Eastern Europe, in light of events following 1917, as well as  the profound changes unleashed 74 years later by the disintegration of the Soviet Union.

The conferences took place in three distinct venues - Washington DC, Warsaw and Jerusalem -- and were organized in cooperation with the Kennan Institute in Washington DC and Polin: the Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw.


In addition, the international workshop The Centennial of the Russian Revolution took place in Tel Aviv on March 22-23, 2017 in cooperation with Tel Aviv University, the Historical Society of Israel and IUAP - The Israeli Inter-University Academic Partnership in Russian and East European Studies. 

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