First-aid kit for soldiers

First-aid kits for soldiers

“[my daughter and her husband] The didn’t leave [Odesa], every day they get together and pack first-aid kits for the front… All these [items] need to be purchased, and they organized funds, and our sponsors, who can help, they buy everything through the pharmacy network. This is a first-aid kit for soldiers, it consists of certain things that can save a soldier’s life, starting with the tourniquet in case of a wound, to stop bleeding – till the basic things like antipyretic drugs. Guys who stayed in Odesa, they organized such a group, and they help collect things and send them to the front – to the Kherson region, to the Zaporizhzhia region… My son-in-law, he is a qualified specialist, an economist – he volunteers every day putting the first-aid kits together” (UJRI_094_AS)