Digital Humanities, i.e. the use of digital tools, methods and approaches for research in the disciplines of arts and humanities have become a central part of the intellectual landscape. The online seminar Towards Digital Research of Russia and Russian Jewry offers to discuss the use of Digital Humanities in these fields from various points of view: achievements, challenges and development prospects.
CHAIR AND OPENING REMARKS: Sinai Rusinek (Haifa University)
- David J. Birnbaum (Pittsburgh University): Applications of Digital Humanities to the study of Slavic texts
Anastasia Glazanova (JDoc Project, Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People):
JDoc: a new online resource in the fields of Jewish Studies and Sovietology - Ilia Uchitel (University of Jena): Quantitative studies of Yiddish language and culture: accomplishments and necessities
Thursday, June 17, 2021, at 17:15 PM (Israel ST)
Participation via ZOOM:
The event will be held in English.
A recording of the event will be published on Nevzlin Center’s YouTube channel:
For further information: